Katina Wilkins
Katina Wilkins has over 13 years experience pointing people
to live their lives to honor God through speaking at retreats and
women's groups, life coaching, and writing blogs.
God has used her life experiences to help other women navigate difficult relationships using the Biblical principles found in
Luke 10:27, John 13:35, and 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.
She is currently writing a Bible Study on loving difficult people.
Click on the following links to find out more and
let her help you or your church/organization with your journey to
live life to God's fullest and love others well.
Christian Life Coach
Katina uses coaching to help clients improve their lives and realize their goals through customized methods, biblical principles, and the power of the Holy Spirit. Her specialty is on helping people love as Jesus instructs starting with loving God and then loving others as our selves. Click here for ways to book from individual to group coaching opportunities.
Christian Speaker
Katina speaks on a wide range of topics that directs people to incorporate scripture and God into their daily lives. She loves the challenge to create a custom message for your group. Click here for some premade topics and to inquire about her coming to speak at your church or organization.
Christian Author
Katina loves writing about how to common struggles and how to use scripture and prayer to meet those needs. She is writing a Bible Study called Love is...Complicated: Learning to Love Difficult People Well, due out this winter. Click here to read her blogs and get a taste for her writing.